Persbureau Verra Photo


News Agency Verra Photo supplies newsworthy information and photo / video to local, regional and national media.

With more then ten years of experience and good relationships with the media we can supply the latest news to our customers within a very short period of time.

Are you looking for specific images or video from us?
Write us an e-mail or call us +31 6 23 68 26 65



A few examples of magazines, television channels and newspapers that have published our images in the past.

  • NOS Journaal (NOS)
  • NOS Jeugdjournaal (NOS)
  • Hart van Nederland (SBS6)
  • RTL Nieuws (RTL 4)
  • 112 vandaag (RTL 5)
  • Humberto (RTL)
  • NoordHollands Dagblad
  • NH Nieuws / RTV Noord Holland
  • Weekblad Privé
  • AD (Algemeen Dagblad)
  • ANP Photo (Algemeen Nederlands Persbureau)
  • Telegraaf
  • Dagblad van het Noorden
  • Leeuwarder Courant
  • Texelse Courant
  • Tubantie
  • Standaard (BE)
  • Humo (BE)
  • BN de Stem
  • Daily Nieuws
  • Magazine Mens en Natuur (IVN)
  • Regio Noordkop
  • Alkmaar Centraal
  • Omroep Flevoland
  • De Stentor
  • De Gelderlander
  • Brabants Dagblad
  • Provinciale Zeeuwse Courant
  • Reformatisch Dagblad
  • Alkmaar Actueel
  • Alkmaars Dagblad
  • 112 Noord Holland
  • Texels Dagblad
  • Den Helders Dagblad
  • Texel dit Weekend
  • Texel Plaze
  • XYTO Media
  • Gids TV
  • GLOCALmedia
  • Inter Visual Studio